
RomanoxReader: Remember Me? Please? {Part One}

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LovinoxReader - Remember Me? Please?
*Lovino Cursing Warning and Drama Warning*

*{Part One}*
*{Lovino POV}*

Lovino was awakened by the doctor lightly touching his shoulder. He shot up instantly, a worried expression on his face.

“Calm down. Miss Héderváry awoke a couple hours ago from the anesthesia. She is being moved into the Recovery Room now.”

Lovino saw Gilbert was already awake and was placing his blanket over Matthew. Mei was still asleep, so Lovino set the blankets he used over her feet. He followed the doctor through the hospital until he stopped at any normal wooden in a hallway. He opened it and Gilbert barely waited a second before he rushed in.

Lovino entered behind the doctor and glanced around the room. Elizabeta was laying down in the bed closest to the door and a second bed closer to the window was empty. The empty bed was covered only in sterile white sheets, something that did not look comfortable for Lovino. A small table with two chairs stood in the empty space between the beds. The walls were mostly white, except for the one wall where the beds rested against, which was coloured a calming light blue. A small nightstand was next to both beds, each with a small table lamp and a phone. Both beds had a good amount of medical equipment near them, to which Elizabeta was hooked up to now (though she was only hooked up to the monitor that read her vital signs, filling the room with a constant beeping. Lovino sat down in a sofa that was underneath the window to watch Gilbert and Elizabeta.

“Miss Héderváry? You have visitors.” The doctor gently told her.

Elizabeta weakly turned her head to the side. Gilbert kneeled down next to the bed to be at eye level. “Strange to see you here, Frau.”

“If I wasn’t in constant pain, you wouldn’t be able to smirk,” Elizabeta growled, before she slowly lifted her uninjured hand to brush her hair away from her face. “Where’s Roderich?”

Lovino could tell Gilbert’s expression fell. “I haven’t been able to contact him.”

“Then who’s my other visitor? Everything is still a little blurry.”

Gilbert waved at Lovino to come over. Lovino walked over and stood next to Gilbert. “Hey Liz.”

“Lovino? What are-? {Name}! Where’s {Name}? And Mei?” Elizabeta’s heart rate started to increase.

“Frau! Calm down!” Gilbert gently placed his hand on Elizabeta’s uninjured shoulder.

“The little shrimp is fine! A little bruised, worried, and very tired, but completely fine. Matt is the same, completely fine.”

Elizabeta watched Lovino as her heart rate slowly went back to normal. “Where’s {Name}?”

Lovino lowered his head and looked at the doctor to continue, who did so. “Miss {Last Name} is still unconscious. She is completely stable, but just hasn’t woken up yet.”

“Is she in a coma?” Elizabeta asked, her eyes wide.

The doctor was quick to calm Elizabeta down, to keep her from panicking. “No, she’s not in a coma! She’s responding, breathes on her own, but won’t do much besides opening her eyes or moving slightly. But she still falls back into an unconscious state afterwards. She’ll still be in ICU for a while, as we try to figure out how to bring her back to a conscious state.”

The doctor asked Elizabeta a few more questions before leaving. Gilbert left to get Mei and Matthew from the waiting room, leaving Lovino alone with Elizabeta.



Elizabeta looked at her visitor carefully. “How are you holding up? And don’t you dare say you’re indifferent! I know how you feel for {Name}.”

Lovino turned slightly red. “I have no idea what the hell you are talking about!”

“You’re just as stubborn as {Name}. She said the same thing when I told her I knew,” Elizabeta sighed. “Only a complete idiot wouldn’t be able to see how you care for {Name}. You call Mei and me by our actual names, because {Name} would get angry and scold you, just like a child.” A soft laugh came from Elizabeta.

Lovino stayed silent, looking everywhere in the room but at Elizabeta.

“If it makes any different, she has the same feelings for you. She admitted it when we were shopping yesterday. She was worried that you didn’t like her, so she hadn’t confessed yet.”

Lovino’s eyes became wide. He slowly regretted never telling her his true feelings before. He was just too worried now. What if she never regains consciousness? What if she slips into a coma?

Elizabeta seemed to see the thoughts going through Lovino’s head as she called out to him. “Lovino!”

He slowly looked up, meeting Elizabeta’s eyes for the first time.

“I know you’re worried about {Name}. I am too. I can’t keep myself from thinking the accident is my fault, that my friends getting hurt is-”

“But it’s not! Mei told me what happened.”

Elizabeta shook her head. “But I still feel guilty. I was driving. My best friend is now in ICU. How else am I supposed to feel? But it doesn’t matter. We can’t change what happened, and nothing will get better if we think of the worst possible outcome.”

“She’s right.”

Lovino looked up to see Mei at the doorway, clutching two pillows and blankets in her good arm. She walked in, setting the pillows at the foot of Elizabeta’s bed. “We can’t feel sorry for ourselves now. What’s done is done.”

Elizabeta looked over Mei standing in front of her. Mei smiled at her good friend, trying not to make a big deal of her injuries, but Elizabeta’s eyes watered.

“Oh Mei, I’m sorry.”

“You just said it didn’t matter. Besides, I’m fine!” Mei grabbed Elizabeta’s hand. “We should focus on {Name}.”

“I’ll make the trip up to you, I promise. When this is all behind us, I’ll take you and {Name} on a trip.”

“Und what about Mattie? Did you forget he was in the car too?” Gilbert arrived with a half asleep Matthew behind him.

“Sorry Mattie! I’ll make it up to you too.”

“You don’t have to Liz. I’m fine. Worry about your own health.” Matthew took up one of the chairs and promptly fell asleep.

Mei giggled. “Seems sleeping is the best form of healing.”

Lovino looked over at her. “You have no room to talk. You’ve been sleeping for around 12 hours so far.”

While Mei tried to deny it, Gilbert made sure Elizabeta was as comfortable as she could be before turning to Lovino.

“Do you know if Al would be at Mattie’s house?”

“Why the hell would I know where the Hamburger-Eating Bastard would be?” Lovino asked, ignoring the pouting Mei.

“I need to know if I would be able to get into Mattie’s place. I think he’s worried about that bear of his.”

Lovino said nothing, but walked over to the sleeping Matthew. Without even stirring him from sleep, a few seconds later, Lovino tossed a keyring to Gilbert, who looked at it in amazement.

“How did you do that, and how did you know where to find it?”

Lovino shrugged. “One normally keeps house keys in their jacket. He probably moved the keys from his dirty clothes to the pocket when the Hamburger-Eating Bastard brought it. While you’re out, go bring as all breakfast.”

“I’ll be sure not to tell {Name} about your pickpocketing skill,” Mei said as Gilbert left. “I don’t think she’ll like knowing you have a criminal skill.”

Lovino grabbed one of the pillows and flung it at Mei. “Shut up, shrimp.”

{More Hours Later}

Lovino picked at the food in front of him. It’s not like he didn’t like enjoy take-out. It tasted nasty. He glanced around the room, keeping his mind off his growling stomach.

Elizabeta had gotten much more alert and more like herself in the few hours. She still complained about the pain and how she wouldn’t be able to walk at all for a long time. Luckily, Mei was able to lift her spirits by playing with her long hair, brushing it out and making it all pretty. After no more brushing could be done, Lovino was sent on the hunt to find some kind of entertainment. The recovery room wasn’t very luxurious, so, sadly, it didn’t have a television. Lovino found out through a passing nurse that books and magazines could sometimes be borrowed from the waiting room, as long as they were put back. He found them and grabbed three magazines and two large novels that were in the pile, hoping it was something that would keep the girls quiet for a while. He had talked with another nurse to see if she knew anything else that could keep the girls entertained. The nurse gave him some pens and some spare paper she had lying around and wished him luck.

When he came back, Mei quickly went to the magazines, looking for puzzles. Because she didn’t want to ruin the magazine for other people, she copied the Sudoku puzzle down on the extra paper Lovino had scavenged. As Mei made herself comfortable on a chair close to Elizabeta, the latter picked up one of the novels and started reading. Lovino found himself content with the newspaper.

Matthew slept for another hour or so before he woke up, wondering where his keys had suddenly vanished to. Mei was able to suppress most of her giggles behind a pillow, but nobody decided to sell out Lovino as the pickpocket, just to see what Gilbert would do if he was accused of stealing Matthew’s keys.

Only a few minutes had passed when a suspicious looking Gilbert rushed into the room, closing it behind him quickly. As he collected his breath for a moment, we all stared at him with confused expressions.

“That was close...But ze Awesome Me made it!”

“Can I have an explanation please?” Mei asked, her sudoku still in her hands.

When Gilbert turned around, we saw that he was smuggling something under his jacket. He removed the jacket and a white head poked out.

As Matthew and Kumajirou had a wonderful reunion (it seems Gilbert had fed the polar bear, but instead of leaving him alone again, decided to try and smuggle him into the hospital so neither the bear, nor Matthew, would feel lonely), Gilbert dug through a large plastic bag that he was carrying in his other hand. He had thought to bring something other than food.

He had ‘borrowed’ a portable television from Matthew’s house for more entertainment, some interesting books to read, snacks, and a cell phone charger for Matthew’s and his own phone. For a brunch, he had gotten Mei some normal ham and cheese on baguette with chips and some soda. Gilbert must have called ahead at a restaurant, as he had brought Matthew a takeout container that had a sweet scent of maple syrup wafting from the container. Lovino was tossed a sandwich that looked exactly like Mei’s, just with tomatoes as a side snack instead of chips.

Mei was sharing her sandwich with Elizabeta when the doctor came back into the room. Matthew quickly hid Kumajirou underneath the chair he was sitting on.

“Mister Vargas?”


The doctor looked around the room, seeing the entire room attentive on his every word. He cleared his throat before continuing. “Miss {Last Name} is no longer in danger. She’s being moved to this room as we speak.”

“Does that mean she’s conscious?” Mei asked.

“Actually, no. She keeps slipping back and forth, but it’s more of her just being exhausted. She’s in no danger of falling into a coma though. We hope that moving her here will be more of a familiar environment with friends, maybe she’ll be able to stay awake long enough for us to make sure she’s alright. She already is on an IV to keep her hydrated and to make sure she’s not in too much pain. Just be sure not to crowd her. The last thing we want in stress.”

A few minutes later, {Name} was wheeled in and gently placed on the bed. She stirred slightly, but stayed asleep. As the nurses hooked her up to the monitor and the IV, Mei carefully inched towards {Name}. When the nurses finally left, Mei was at the bedside in an instant, gently placing a hand on {Name}’s uninjured one.

“{Name}? It’s Mei. Would you wake up for me?” There was no response except for the beeping coming from {Name}’s monitor.

Matthew got up and stood next to Mei, Kumajirou held in front of him. “{Name}. Gilbert snuck Kumajiji into the hospital. You know him, remember?” Matthew set Kumajirou down next to {Name}’s arm. The polar cub softly sniffed her hand before giving it a small lick, as if he was trying to wake her up as well.

Lovino was watching closely, and he swore he saw {Name}’s hand twitch slightly in response. He put a hand and Matthew’s shoulder and eased past him. He took her hand and gently interlocked their fingers. He leaned down to be at the same level as {Name}.

“Oi, ragazza. What are you doing still doing asleep? Wake up already. We’re all here and waiting for you. Don’t keep us waiting.” As he held her hand, he felt it twitch again and squeeze his hand back. He gave a small smile. “I know you can hear me bella. At the very least, you can sense something. Come on, once you wake up...” Lovino’s voice stuttered a bit. He sighed and cupped her cheek using his second hand. He continued speaking to {Name} in a whisper only she would be able to hear. “Once you wake up, I promise I won’t ever lie to myself ever again. Ti amo. Please wake up so I can tell you that. Just let me say those two words to you.” His forehead sunk and met their interlocked fingers. “Per favore. Lasciate che vi dica che ti amo.”

“Lovino.” Matthew was still behind him. He placed a comforting hand on his friend’s shoulder. “She’s asleep. Maybe we should let her rest?”

“No. She can hear me. She responds very slightly.”

Mei looked up suddenly. “What? What do you mean?”

“Her hand twitched when Kumajirou touched it. And she squeezed my hand.”

“Mei,” Mei looked up at Elizabeta, who looked like she had figured it out. “{Name}’s responding to things she knows! That’s how we could wake her up.”

Lovino looked up confused. “I’m not following you.”

Elizabeta waved his confusion away. “Mei, what’s that old song you love to sing? The one {Name} hums along to, no matter what.”

Mei tilted her head for a moment, thinking, before her eyes opened up wide as she remembered it. “Blackbird? That one?”

Elizabeta nodded. Mei turned around to Matthew. “Let me borrow your phone! I need the internet for a moment.”

Confused, Matthew handed his phone to her. Mei quickly searched something up before she clicked on it and let it play. A soft song came on and Mei started singing.

“Blackbird singing in the dead of night. Take these broken wings and learn to fly. All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise.”

Lovino kept his grip on {Name}’s hand. He knew the song, a day never passed when the shrimp didn’t sing it around {Name}. He hummed along to the song.

“Blackbird singing in the dead of night. Take these sunken eyes and learn to see. All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to be free.”

Lovino whistled the melody as Mei continued singing, stronger than before.

“Blackbird fly, Blackbird fly. Into the light of the dark black night!”

Lovino felt the hand give another small twitch. He whistled along with the melody again.

“Blackbird fly, Blackbird fly. Into the light of the dark black night! Blackbird singing in the dead of night. Take these broken wings and learn to fly. All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise...”

Lovino heard a sniffle from behind him. He turned and saw Mei trying to wipe away tears while continuing the song. He stood up, and knowing the last lines, finished them for her.

“You were only waiting for this moment to arise. You were only waiting for this moment to arise.”

Mei quickly wiped away her tears and gracefully accepted the tissue Matthew handed her. Elizabeta tried pushing herself up with her good arm, to get a better view. Lovino looked down and saw {Name} hadn’t responded past that small twitch. His expression fell, telling Elizabeta her idea didn’t work. Lovino turned and let go of {Name}’s hand, but froze when he felt her hand squeeze his, not wanting him to let go.

“{Name}?” Mei went closer to {Name}’s bedside, eyes also wide. “{Name}?”

{Name}’s relaxed expression while she was sleeping changed. She frowned and her eyes squeezed themselves shut, as if she still didn’t want to wake up. After an agonizingly long minute, {Name} slowly opened her eyes, squinting at the bright light.

“Grazie a Dio che sei sveglio, ragazza.”
I promised it up sooner, but I needed to organize the small library of German books so we can sell them, and afterwards, I was just such a spaz! I could not focus on anything except organization. Then I found out about a little writing project I could be a part of (so I'm trying it out for shits and giggles), so that took most of today. But, I did not take the usual week. 
The next parts might take longer. I do have ADHD, making typing for long hours, when I'm not in the mood, almost impossible. That's why it took me a while to write out this part. I kept losing interest. And I need to get used to third POV again. I kept typing "I" instead of "he".

Time for Fanfic notes: I did so much freaking research, but I am no medical student or genius. Wikipedia only got me so far. I tried my best at making everything as realistic as possible, but I've never stayed overnight at a hospital. If I got it completely wrong, I would be happy if you enlightened me~!
Next part will finally have Reader POV~! And the plotline will thicken!! I'm just that evil!!

As always: I need your feedback! 
Please comment!! I want to know if I did a good job on characters! All comments will help me get started on my next fanfic!
All comments are replied to~!
If you see mistakes, please tell me so I can fix it!

Song Mei sings is called Blackbird, by the Beatles (yes, I'm a sucker for oldies). The original song was taken off of YT, so I used this version instead:…


Characters/Hetalia (c) Hidekaz Himaruya
Cover Picture (c) :devTomatomatomato12:
Story is mine!
You belong to yourself (or Romano. Whichever you prefer)
© 2013 - 2024 usagi-hikari9
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Otakulover43586's avatar
I love this story so far~!!! *-* Good job~!!! ^-^